Mina Bilder
1-NEW/folder.png New images
My latest images is collected in this folder.
Animals/folder.png Animals
Mostly its insects that I get on picture.
Astronomy/folder.png Astronomy
BlackWhite/folder.png Black and white
Black and white pictures.
Botan/folder.png The Botanic garden in Gothenburg
The oasis in Gothenburg
Creative/folder.png Creative
Sometimes I play around with my images.
FlodaNatureReserve/folder.png Floda Nature Reserve
Flowers/folder.png Flowers, berrys and other things in blossom
My favorite Hepatica and Windflowers is the most photographed flowers but I like to photograph other flowers to.
Fungus/folder.png Fungus, mushroom, lava and other strange things
Fly agaric is assum. But any fungus will get photographed as long as they have nice colors or will stand out.
Nature/folder.png Nature
I love to be out there and feel like one with the nature.
Winter/folder.png Winter
Over the years I become loving winter.
Monica Boberg

Generated on den 9 september 2013 by 00:27:35 Zoner Photo Studio 15
(c) 2012 Zoner Software